Coffee Side Effects - The Koko Samoa

Coffee Side Effects


Maybe giving up coffee altogether isn’t your goal but just cutting back on your caffeine intake to more safe and manageable levels is. This article will help you determine what amount you should aim for, offered your stats and health profile.

Determining how much caffeine is right for you isn’t too difficult as long as you consider a few elements:

  • Your total health status.
  • Your level of sensitivity to caffeine.
  • Your age and weight.

There has been a lot of research into how much caffeine is safe for the typical adult, in addition to just how much caffeine can cause health issues.

Many websites publish a rather generic amount of 400 mg daily as a safe quantity grownups can take in without unfavorable negative effects.

Likewise, a lot of sources state that 500 mg or more is when unfavorable caffeine overdose symptoms can embed in. However, it is a little bit more complicated than that considering that humans come in several sizes and have physiological differences.

It is far more accurate to determine your safe everyday dose of caffeine based on your age and body weight. Some of the most highly regarded research papers on the problem found that 6 mg of caffeine per kg of a person’s body weight seems to be a safe daily dose for human adults age 18 and over.


A 70 kilogram adult male would have a safe everyday dosage of 420 mg.

( 70 x 6 = 420).

A 55 kg adult woman would have a safe everyday dose of 330 mg.

( 55 x 6 = 330).

The majority of Americans do not use kgs, so when calculating your own personal safe everyday dosage of caffeine, you’ll need to transform kilograms to pounds. There are online tools that will do this for you, however the easy formula is as follows:.

Pounds to Kilograms Conversion.

Pounds/2.2 = Kilograms.


A 180 pound male would be 82 kgs (180/2.2 = 82).

There has also been research into a safe single dosage of caffeine, or in other words, just how much caffeine can be safely consumed in one sitting. Many sites publish a generic quantity of 200 mg for adults, however again, a more precise measurement is based upon a person’s age and body weight. The very same highly regarded research paper discovered that 3 mg of caffeine per kg of body weight appears to be a safe single dosage for an adult.


A 70 kg adult male could safely consume 210 mg of caffeine at one time.

A 55 kg adult woman could securely take in 165 mg of caffeine at one time.

Caffeine Sensitivity

Caffeine is broken down by your liver and scientists have actually determined a few crucial genes that determine how well your liver can process caffeine. The degree to which these genes are expressed or present in a person’s DNA identifies their sensitivity level to caffeine.

There are essentially three various caffeine sensitivity types:.

1. Hypersensitive: 

These people are highly sensitive to caffeine and just a little dose can cause undesired side effects and insomnia.

2. Typical level of sensitivity: 

The majority of caffeine customers fall into this category. This is also the category of people caffeine safe amounts were developed for.

3. Hyposensitive: 

These people can take in large quantities of caffeine and feel really little impact. They can consume coffee directly before bedtime and still sleep comfortably.

No matter which level of sensitivity level you fall under, it is far better to stay within your personal daily safe limits and pursue natural methods, like cacao which we’ll discuss later, to increase your energy levels opposed to increasing your caffeine consumption as a way to be more efficient.

Most professionals agree that, for the majority of people, consuming more than 500 mg of caffeine per day can lead to unfavourable effects.

These can include the following symptoms:
  • Sleeplessness.
  • Uneasiness.
  • Jitters.
  • Nausea.
  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Dizziness.
  • Increased heartbeat.

Developed tolerance to caffeine can hide these symptoms until greater day-to-day doses are consumed, however, day-to-day extreme amounts of caffeine can have long-term health effects.



Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. For professional dietary advice you should always consult a Registered Dietitian (RD), and for diagnosis of a health condition you must see your physician.

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